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The Three Pillars

Hit & Run Productions
Hit & Run Music
Hit & Run Gaming
Hit & Run Productions

Here we have reviews, video game news, Let's Plays, & Commentaries

Series Like: TRY 2 PLY, Way-Back Wednesday CHOP TALK, & Monday Madness

Here we have, Album Reviews, Top 10 Lists, Music news,  Guitar covers, Drum covers

Series Like: First Pass, Submission Sunday,

Gigs R' Us, Critics Corner

Here we have, Short films, Cooking Tutorials, Movie Reviews, TV Show Reviews, Top 10's, Pop-Culture News

Our Promise To You

We will never deliver content we do not believe in. It is our job to make sure our opinions are clear and concisely distinguished from any news or facts we inform you on. However we are not a news center, we are friends who want to voice our thoughts and reactions to any and all pop-culture or political happenings. If you do not agree with us about something, we will not attempt to attack your opinions. But if you do so to ours, if you decide to attack one of us or one of our viewers about an opinion, then we will ask politely and professionally for you to please fuck off. We believe we can provide you with our best, and so we only ask for your best in return.

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